Every culture develops a particular way of dealing with matters related to women. Currently, the neo-Feminist movement is gaining adepts and visibility, and, in some regions, it has even adopted violent protest methods. The #MeToo movement let out some steam, but the situation of women in many regions of the world (including the developed world) remains, in many cases, unjust.

Finland is exceptionally advanced in these matters, however, there are numerous protests aiming to change structural inequalities still affecting women’s potential in domestic and work life. Nevertheless, instances of injustice are better dealt with through prevention, and what a better way to do it than through education and active service.

Last October 14th, 2019, eight women of foreign background graduated as “Neighborhood Mother” (Naapuriäiti in Finnish) in the city of Espoo. The seven-week course and the graduation celebration took place in Me-talo Espoo. The course started in September and consisted of six modules that included information and exercises related to volunteering, work life, social services, health & well being, democracy and event organization… Read the whole story on Foreignersinfinland.fi

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Vastavalmistunut Naapuriäiti Espon kurssilta

Freshly graduated Neighborhood Mothers in Espoo, autumn 2019 Photo: Mily Vázquez Harkivi)